Our Desires
“Prefer nothing whatever to Christ,” is a very core message of St. Benedict. We center our life on Jesus as the Good Shepherd, the oldest image of Jesus in Christianity. The image reminds us that He is always with us in the valleys of darkness, on the mountains of glory, or in the ordinariness of daily life.
Modeling our life on our relationship with the Good Shepherd calls us to be always guided by the Church through our Holy Father and the rich teachings throughout the centuries. We must have expectant faith as the Holy Spirit leads us into the unknown future.
As a monastery, we pray that we may be an instrument of God’s shepherding through our life of prayer and work. We know that loneliness and isolation from God and others are major problems in many peoples’ lives. Our life together is meant to be a partial remedy for this challenge, a witness of a faith community. The name of Jesus, as the Good Shepherd, is therefore the name we have chosen.
Consider making this journey with us living out our Baptismal call to be holy through the monastic way of life living harmoniously as sisters in Christ Jesus, with our Blessed Mother as our model of womanhood and motherhood.