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Visit our Pro-Life page
Vatican Website
Official website of the Holy See, Vatican City.
Catholic Diocese of Brownsville
The Diocese in which the Starr County Benedictines are
Institute on Religious Life
Supports and promotes the gift of consecrated life. Resources for religious and tools for finding one’s vocation.
Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious. Represents many women’s communities in the United States who live according to the mandate of the Church.
Catholic Catechism Vatican Site
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Ave Mario Mutual Funds
America’s largest family of Catholic mutual funds built on pro-life beliefs
Catholic Catechism
Excellent searchable text of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Catholic Answers
Great apologetics site. Answers to challenges to the Catholic faith, both ancient and new.
Fr. John A. Hardon Media Apostolate
The Fr. Hardon Media Apostolate exists to promote the Catholic use of all of the media of social communications such as the printed word, television, radio, cinema, and the Internet. Many Church documents and practical articles.
Priests for Life
Leading pro-life organization of priests and lay missionaries. Courageous and clear explanation of Catholic teaching on pro-life matters.
Life Dynamics
Mark Crutcher is the head of this pro-life legal
Test Your Call
39-question online survey designed to measure one’s vocational potential in serving the Lord and His Church as a priest, religious or consecrated person.
Sisters of Saint Benedict of Crookston
The founding monastery of the Starr County Benedictines.
Catholics United for the Faith
An international lay apostolate that supports, defends, and advances the efforts of the Teaching Church.
Crossroads Initiative
Upbeat site with catechetical and apologetics resources for RCIA, adult faith formation, and teens.
A comprehenive, virtual cyber-city of Catholic resources. Home to over 140 Catholic organizations.
Aaron O’s Eagle Scout Project
Lots of nice pictures of Erin’s project at the Starr County Benedictine monastery: building a cemetery of crosses in memory of the babies aborted each hour in the US. Click here
Life Site News ‘Tridentine spirituality’ will save the world
Catholic theologian David Torkington urges Catholics to return to traditional ‘Tridentine spirituality’ as the answer to the rampant selfishness gripping the world after Vatican II. Torkington asserts that contemplative prayer rooted in the ancient Jewish “Shema” of Israel — finding full expression in the Council of Trent and the Tridentine Mass — has the power to transform our world and return to first principles: total love and fidelity to God. Discover how faithful Catholics can authentically give their lives to God through traditional contemplative prayer steeped in thousands of years of faithful devotion. Click here
Nature Family Planning Outreach
NFP Outreach is a comprehensive clearinghouse for accurate, practical, up-to-date information on Natural Family Planning, its practice, its effectiveness, its benefits and its underlying moral principles.